01 02 03 Edge Of My Plate: Old-School Bacon-Wrapped Prunes 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Old-School Bacon-Wrapped Prunes

Growing up, I remember when my parents had a dinner party or reception at home, there were always bacon wrapped prunes that the kids would pass around on big plates to the guests before dinner.
bacon-wrapped prunes
We all loved them. The sweet prune wrapped in a salty bacon was delicious. When we started planning the birthday/Grand Final brunch I really wanted to have them on the table too. 
Bacon-wrapped prunes
30 pieces of thinly sliced speck or bacon (about 200-250g)
500g pitted prunes 

Of course, you can make a much smaller quantity than this. Usually, you need about 1 thin slice of speck for 2 prunes. 
Simply lay a prune on the slice of speck, cut the speck to size (abt half should do) so that it wraps around the prune with a small overlap, and secure with a toothpick. Repeat with the remaining prunes and speck.
Place the wrapped prunes on on oven tray lined with baking paper or foil, and bake for about 20 minutes until the speck is crispy and the prune soft and unctuos. On the day of our brunch the element in our oven blew, so I turned the oven on grill and grilled the prunes and they were just as good, maybe better!
bacon-wrapped prunes

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