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Using leftover Panettone - Jamie Oliver's Christmas Bread and Butter Pudding

Merry Christmas guys! The holidays have come and gone, the last oysters have been slurped and the turkey scraps have ended up in the most delicious sandwiches. Every year I see big piles of Panettones in their characteristic square box in cafes, markets and supermarkets. But how do people actually eat them? This yeasty fruit loaf can be eaten just plain with butter or a tiny bit fancier with some jam. But if that's not fancy enough for you, go down the Jamie Oliver route and turn this Italian Christmas bread into a delicious bread and butter pudding.
I know my man loves bread and butter pudding and I've always wanted to make one for him. So when I came across this recipe I knew that was the one I had to make for him. It was super easy to prepare and absolutely delicious. In addition to Mr. Oliver's recipe we also used some leftover fruit mince pies and scarped out the fruit mix to add to the bread and butter pudding. You can never have too many Christmas tastes in one dessert ;) And as I often do nowadays, I reduced the added sugar by half.

Panettone Bread & Butter Pudding
(Click here for printable version)
125 g unsalted butter, plus extra for greasing
1kg plain panettone
1 vanilla pod
300 ml double cream
300 ml whole milk
5 large free-range eggs
50 g caster sugar
60 g quality dark chocolate (85%)
60 g bitter orange marmalade
optional; leftover fruit mince tarts
Preheat the oven to 180°C. Lightly grease a 28cm loose-bottomed tart tin. Slice the edges off the panettone in strips and use them to line the base and sides of the tart tin, pressing down hard to compact and create a pastry-like shell. We used some stale fruit mince tarts to add extra flavour, simply scrape out the fruit mixture, reserve mixture and discard the stale pastry cases.

Halve the vanilla pod lengthways and scrape out the seeds, then put both the seeds and pod into a pan on a medium heat along with the cream, milk and butter and simmer for 5 minutes or until the butter has melted. Meanwhile, in a large bowl, whisk the eggs and caster sugar for 2 minutes, or until smooth. Whisking constantly, slowly add the hot cream mixture to the bowl until combined, then discard the vanilla pod.

To assemble, pour one-third of the custard into the base of the tart and leave to soak in for a couple of minutes. Meanwhile, tear up all the remaining panettone into rough chunks, soak them in the bowl of remaining custard for a minute or two, then layer up in the tart form, adding little chunks of chocolate and dollops of marmalade and fruit mince mixture (if using) between the layers. Pour over any leftover custard, leaving it to soak in if necessary. Bake for around 25 minutes or until set. Allow the pudding to rest for 10 minutes, then serve with cream, custard or ice cream.

Serves 12
Adapted from Jamie Oliver's Bonker's Bread & Butter Pudding.

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